Great Idea poor design and OS intergration
Great Idea - I wish there was more mac apps that displayed content from there respective sites. The app does what it says (displaying wikipedia articles on your desktop). I wish it did it in a more thoughtful way that leveraged macOs X systme services more.
The design and the application could be better with
1. ability to toggle the side bar pane
2 easier way to control the font size ( for example pinch to zoom)
3 cache articles for off-line viewing (like iOs app client Wikipanion) and creating citations for export into essays.
4.system wide facebook and twitter sharing.
5.location services (articles about things in my immediate area) browsing
7.other wikis supported
8. a better launch screen with a search box
9.multipy and user preference language support.
10.remove the ‘search text’ from under the ‘search text’ box
things that I and alot of other people would pay for...
adamwhiteley about
Wiki Reader